Kiyomi and the Gang

Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Music: Playlist “P3”, right now “Fall At Your Feet”/Jesse Cook
Mood: neutral
In my glass:  Merlot
...Can’t really think of any “beautiful happening” today.  Hm.. but no nasty happening, either.  So, my conclusion is: “It’s a beautiful thing that nothing bad happened”.  :)
Mr. and (then) Mrs. Russell’s “Fantasy”...

How’ya doin’, Houston?
Aaaaaaaahw...  *sigh*

Music now playing: “Catch Up To Me”/RK

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Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Music: Playlist “Top rated”, right now playing SRV songs (“Hug You, Squeeze You”)
Mood: (...lemmethink...)
In my glass: Cabernet Shiraz
...OK, so.. where was I?
Oops, I see I haven’t written anything for more than a month!  Ya... right... 
This blog - it’s nothing but some useless notes and mumbles to myself... Nothing important or interesting.  But it helps me to “think”.  To sort and “file” my thoughts.  To know and deal with my emotions... well, not always and not very much... but it does help in a way.  And, as it’s “public”, I also try not to make it too “private”.  “Personal but not private”, that’s an important rule of a blog, I read somewhere.  
But anyway...
It’s already a new year.  A whole month has past already.  How time flies!  
And that’s exactly the point right now... Time passes too fast.  I’m left behind.  All alone.  In the dark.  
.....Hm... not really "up-lifting" as the first post of the new year.
Sweet pea (2)

Niece brought a bunch of sweet pea flowers for my mom.  A pretty bouquet.  I took a couple of photos of it and the above is my mom's favourite. 
I looked up the flower language of the sweet pea:
“Good-bye”, “departure”, “delicate”, “blissful pleasure”.  
I’d give my mom the last one.  I want her to enjoy the moments.  Moments of blissful pleasure.
And.. the first two, “good-bye” and “departure”, are for me.  In a positive way.  I’m going to keep them in mind for later this year.
“There are beautiful things happening in my life daily."  
I’m going to remember that, too, this year.  I mean, to be aware of that.  Just one small “smile“ is beautiful enough.  ...It’s like... one small beautiful happening would make up for 100 bad happenings. 
Yep, that’s the spirit, Kym.!
And yes, I had a “smile” today!  :)
Music now playing: “Come On” by SRV

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