Kiyomi and the Gang

Sunday, August 26, 2007

What does it feel like?

Music: Playlist “The thrill of it all” (Thunder, OL, The Jones Gang – right now “Love Walked In”/Thunder)

Mood: Fine (in spite of a slight headache)
In my glass: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo

It feels like…

1) Warm sun on my face on a crisp cold winter day
2) Very, very, vvvvveeeery good cappuccino
3) Luscious creamy chocolate cake
4) Nice cold beer on a hot, hot summer day
5) House filled with the smell of baking bread
6) Waiting for a concert to begin
7) Smell of the ink of a new book (particularly a dictionary)
8) Being in a plane taxiing to take off
9) First bite in a sandwich of tasty sour dough bread with cheese after 2 week long lemon juice detox fast
10) Sound of the shutter of a film camera
11) Seeing a shooting star
12) Unwrapping a present
13) Clear blue sky after a storm
14) Nice cool breeze on a hot summer night

… be continued…

The song playing now is “Does It Feel Like Love?”/Thunder.
…Hmmmm… What does it feel like? Does it feel like love???? ;)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The thrill of it all

Music: “The Thrill of It All”/Thunder

Mood: High. Feeling good.
In my glass: about to pour in Montepulciano d’Abruzzo

I had something else in my mind to write about for tonight. But it can wait.


Breaking up with R. has still been shadowing me. It’s a scab that I scratch again and again till it starts to bleed again. It’s a drag on my shoulder, a ball and chain on my feet. I know it was a good and right decision following my heart. And I’m glad I made that decision. But I can’t deny it’s still following me. It comes back from time to time and then I keep asking to myself all those unanswered questions (though getting less and less, fortunately).
The worst thing is that “the book is not yet closed”. I now really, truly, honestly want it to end. Well, I’m working on it – but not fast enough. I’ve got to speed up a bit.

This song is so true - each line, every single word. It’s exactly, for 200%, how I was feeling at that time.


The Thrill of It All

I wish I could find a way to make it right
I wish I could see an end to this fight
Cos all I want is a restful sleep tonight

Maybe we’re both to blame, I don’t know
Or maybe we’re both afraid of letting go
Just like a fire that’s burning low
The flames are dying, and I can really feel the cold

Cos I don’t care who’s wrong or who’s right
I can’t stand another day, I can’t stand another day
All we’re doing is wasting our time, carrying on
When the thrill of it all is gone

I’d rather live all alone than live in hell
Cos it feels like I'm doing time, and this room’s a cell
These four walls, the stories they could tell
But they’re in the past, and we both know it well

Cos I don’t care who’s wrong or who’s right
I can’t stand another day, I can’t stand another day
All we’re doing is wasting our time, carrying on
When the thrill of it all is gone

Cos if you cast your mind back to the way it was before
I couldn’t live without you for a day
And I don’t want to kid myself, the truth is plain to see
It’s time we turned and went our separate ways

I wish I could find a way to make it right
I wish I could see an end to this fight
Why don’t we say our long good-byes
Then walk away, while we still both have our pride

Cos I don’t care who’s wrong or who’s right
I can’t stand another day, I can’t stand another day
All we’re doing is wasting our time, carrying on
When the thrill of it all is gone

written by Morley/James

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Again, one of those days…

Music: Just listened to Lightnin’ Hopkins. And now “Thunder and Co.” (at the moment “Fire to Ice”/Thunder)

Mood: grrrrrrr…
In my glass: …thinking about opening a Montepulciano d’Abruzzo

It must be one of those days when things go wrong.
I found a mistyping in the letter for direct mailing… after all was done! It was a few hours’ work together with my collegue. All was done and those envelopes were ready to be sent. Grrrrrrr….. Well, OK, nobody’s fault but mine :( I’ll do that again later.

I’m supposed to be working right now but I’m not feeling like it at all. I think I’ll have a glass or two of this nice Italian red and go to bed.
Tomorrow is another day (hopefully a better one)!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

…at The End of summer…

Music: “No More Tears”/Ozzy Osbourne

Mood: OK
In my glass: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo

Trying to listen to something else than Thunder… Ah, Ozzy sounds very right at this particular moment ;)


Been working seriously.. at least, that’s how it feels. Well, I’m not complaining though… I’m now feeling much better than a few weeks ago. It helps, I think, that I don’t have that weekly “deadline pressure” at the moment. (...Although it will come back next week, yes, it DOES... :( ).

I had promised to myself to spend less time on computer (…in other words… on Flickr!) during my vacation. To go “outside” as much as possible. “Outside”, I mean to be in my garden even if it’s only for 5 minutes or so. To see what’s growing and what’s not (oops!), to weed a bit. Just to enjoy that small space I’ve got. And, I really liked it. The backyard is still like a jungle, needs to be taken care of. But it looks – a little bit – better than a few weeks ago. Ha! I feel better, the backyard looks better!
OK, go on, Kym.!! Even if it’s only for 1 minute, even if you (I mean “I”) don’t do anything there.. just GO into the backyard and take a deep breath. It feels good!


…well, it’s just a thought at The End of summer.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wish – update

Music: Playlist “Thunder & Co.” (right now “I’m Dreaming Again”)

Mood: …dreaming again, I guess…
In my glass: Nero d’Avola Shiraz (new bottle)

Watched the sky last night again and saw 2 big and 3 small shooting stars. ..Not bad, I think, I was in my backyard only for 15 minutes or so, and my neighbours were still up (=many lights). I couldn’t make any wishes; it was like: “ah… “, “pl(ease)…”, “I’d…”…
So, no wishes to be realized (for this time)... all I have got now is this pain in my neck!


My official summer vacation is over. Today I tried to work with MS Word. Hm.. don’t understand much. Tomorrow again.


Looks like I need a (new) bike. *sigh*

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Music: Playlist “Thunder & Co.”.. for now I added “Waiting 4 Starts 2 Fall”

Mood: “Waiting 4 Stars 2 Fall”
In my glass: Nero d’Avora Shiraz

Been outside for about 30 mins to see the shooting stars… The Earth is going to bump into the bunch of cosmic dust (hahaha, that’s my interpretation!) about this time every year. And it is happening tonight and tomorrow night. It’s new moon and the sky is clear so there’s a big chance that you can see some shooting stars… and make a wish!
Hm… but I haven’t seen any… I’ll try tomorrow again.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Music: Playlist 150707’s variation. Right now “Surrender 2 Love”/OL

Mood: *sigh*
In my glass: Primitivo

Fox got a swollen paw.. looks very sore with a very small but nasty wound. I noticed it only this afternoon. I cleaned it with boiled water and alcohol but I’m afraid it didn’t help much. He didn’t seem to have any pain first but now he’s walking strange. It doesn’t look very good. I think I’m going to take him to the vet’s tomorrow. Poor boy (and, literally, poor me!).