Kiyomi and the Gang

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bad idea

Music: Various (right now: “Easy On My Soul” by Free)

Mood: grumpf
In my glass (and everywhere): Côtes du Rhône

…Finished work for today on time so I thought I’d go to bed earlier tonight. I just wanted to have one small glass of red wine as a night cap. Hm… bad idea, a very, very bad idea. My hand slipped and the bottle fell on the floor. There’s now a big wine stain on the carpet, on my shirt and Levi’s as well. Worst of all, I can’t sleep now.
A very, very bad idea, it was.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Music: play list 110507 (right now: “The Romance That Never Was” by Venice)

Mood: sleepy
In my glass: Riesling (Australian) – I opened the bottle tonight because I needed white wine for my supper (risotto with broccoli and peas)

Finished reading “Tan veloz como el deseo” (in Dutch – “De liefde van don Júbilo”) by Laura Esquivel last week. I found the “mystique” of Don Júbilo’s power to communicate (with the universe!) very interesting – very romantic as well. Hm. It’s not really a long story; it’s easy to read. I liked the book.

My next book is “labyrintens latter” (in Dutch “Labyrint der liefde”) by Ulrikka Strandbygaard. I have read a few pages now… Pffff… long sentences with many commas.. This will be a long reading, I’m afraid.

Oh, btw, I bought these books at Hema for 3 euros each! Hehehe.. I love Hema!


I watched a film on TV last week – I think it was the day (the night) when I finished the Don Júbio book. Because I didn’t want to start with another book right away, I thought I’d watch TV instead. Hm… a bad film.. , anyway a bad choice – I really didn’t like it (“Dragonfly” with Kevin Costner). It’s fun, you know, to watch a bad movie together with somebody. It would be fun to have a “bad movie night” with friends! But-eh… not on your own. Watching a bad film on your own is just depressing. I won’t do that again.
The detective drama on BBC later on was nice; anyway much better than that film.


The photography course I’m going to take starts in September. It’s a serious 4 year course and I’m really excited about that! …But, at the same time, I often wonder if it’s not waste of money and time for me. I like (some of) my photos very much but I do know they are not very special or super. … Hmm… well, ok.. the first year of the course is for “everyone who wants to take better pictures”. Yes, yes, I want to!


Fox seems to have pain somewhere in his paws since yesterday. Or.. it might be his back.. I don’t know. I can’t find anything on his paws.

I read in the papers the other day that a pet could be very sensitive to the mood/situation/illness of the owner. Let me think… well, I can’t think of anything particular right now.. except…

Friday, May 11, 2007


Music: various

Mood: mellow and upwards
In my glass: (California) Merlot

Gggrrrrrrr… severe headache again. I thought: a painkiller or a glass? Hehehe… Merlot does its job now, I think.


I have these “chrysalises” since the early summer last year. It seems they have now suddenly started to grow and break open the pupal case. BUT… I don’t want them to! This time I want to keep them just as they are: nice and safe, protected in the soft cocoon. The paths wouldn’t cross anyway.