Music: "Everything I Do Is Wrong"/Jimmy Page and John Paul JonesMood: miss Ponta so much… :'(In my glass: French redMy shopping list for tomorrow:
- grapefruits
- mixed salad
- limes
- tomatoes
- cucumber
- milk
- for Fox
- wine
- bread
- cookies/cakes
I have enough food for the weekend in the house. What I really need is a bag of dog food. The rest is just… well, “because-I’m-in-the-shop,-why-not-buy-them-now” kind of things.
Then.. hey, wait a sec, I thought, I could buy me a (Christmas) present…. But I couldn’t think of anything. I guess I have everything I could afford right now. I do have things on my wish list but they are those things that are hard/impossible to get (or anyway, I can’t afford at the moment).
Hmmmm…. Or… perhaps I’ll just drop in Hema and find something *nice* …