Kiyomi and the Gang

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Music: “Dear John”/Styx

Mood: ------------
In my glass: …..I’d like to have wine… may I?

I came home alone today.... from the vet’s without my sweet Ponta.
I miss him.


Dear John

Dear John I knew you
About as well as anyone
We were the wild ones
So sure those days would never end
Now they're only memories my friend

Dear John I'll see you
Some day again

I swear I saw you
On a crowded street today
I almost called your name
Thinking of all those yesterdays
Heaven help me
How I miss my friend

Dear John I'll see you
Some day again

There'll be celebration
When all will be revealed
We'll have a reunion
High on a hill

Dear John how are you
God knows it's heaven where you are
Find some peace there
May it never end

Dear John my heart knows
We'll meet again
Dear John I'll see you....
Some day again

written by Tommy Shaw


  • At December 26, 2008 at 3:40:00 AM GMT+1, Blogger Luz said…

    Kym, yes I hope you did have that glass of wine and made a toast to the heavens for your sweet angel Ponta. I shall do the same as I sit in front of my Christmas tree tonight.

  • At December 26, 2008 at 3:51:00 AM GMT+1, Blogger Kym. said…

    ...I had a cup of hot choco instead last night. I think I'm going to have a glass of red now... (Ponta would often "join" me :) )
    Cheers, Luz!


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