Kiyomi and the Gang

Monday, August 25, 2008

Fox, my sweet Fox

Music: “Living for Today”/Thunder

Mood: “In My Darkest Hour”
In my glass: Primitivo

Reading “Flirtcoach” (by Peta Heskell, Dutch translation).
Have just read a chapter about “symbols”. The Q is: which animal do you think symbolizes you at your best? Which animal symbolizes how you wish to be?
I couldn’t think of any animal or any object. At last I thought of Fox.

OK, what are his characteristics?
- sweet
- social
- friendly
- joyful
- unique (he’s definitely different from other dogs. He’s Fox. Hahaha!)
- entertainer (he makes you smile)
- pure
- innocent
- carefree
- patient
- curious
- playful
- “living for today” (no worries about the past or the future)

oh.. and-er….
- lazy and slow…. But I consider it as “laid back and calm” :)

It’s also possible that he has (some of) those characteristics from me, no?

Right now I’m full of worries and negative thoughts, am pessimistic, troubled, closed and defensive. I should loosen up and lay back a bit, yes, like Fox. Close my eyes and take a deep breath. Just let it go. I should.


Living for Today


Looking down from the mountains
And out to the sea
You’re aware in a moment,
You’re nothing in the scheme

But your vanity told you, you’re more than a dot
And your arrogance keeps you,
From thinking that you’re not
So when it hits you, you’re fading away
Cos you won’t live forever, start living for today

And the seasons are changing, faster all the time
Every day seems to pass by in the wink of an eye

Old man on the corner, laughing like a child
Clinging to a bottle, his broken eyes wild
Kept on a laughing, the people turned away
But he knows something we don’t, he’s living for today

So you crawl through your lifetime, a slave to the grind
But time overtook you, and left you far behind
So don’t bother running, the moment is gone
Eats you like a cancer, but still you struggle on
Why try to fight it, you’re dying anyway?
The future doesn’t matter
When you’re living for today

Are you living for today?

Looking down from the mountains and out to the sea
You’re aware in a moment, you’re nothing in the scheme

But your vanity told you, you’re more than a dot
And your arrogance keeps you, from thinking that you’re not
So when it hits you, you’re fading away
Cos you won’t live forever, start living for today

You’re fading away
You’re fading away

Start living for today
Start living for today

written by Luke Morley



  • At September 25, 2008 at 7:56:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Luz said…

    That Fox is such a good Karma dog! Every time I see a photo of him, I smile! Yep, he gives good Karma--even from 1000+ miles and across an ocean! ;-) If ever, I were to get a second dog, I would consider a Bull Terrier! Female of course so Chulo would have a nice companion too.

  • At October 3, 2008 at 2:05:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Kym. said…

    Ah, Luz, I definitely recommend a bull terrier! ;)
    You know, I forgot to mention that he's so good-looking, too!


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