Kiyomi and the Gang

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Music: Play list 030406 + “Riu Riu Chiu” from “Christmas”/Bruce Cockburn

Mood: Tired
In my glass: French red (Wild Pig – merlot)

….Ok, I call it a day.
I sorted all the post and papers, did some administration today.

I sometimes don’t know whether it’s going well with me or not… Well, I think so, yes, I AM doing alright… But… there are those “vacuum” moments that I just don’t know. And at other moments it all on a sudden gets a bit too much. All I can do then is just to take a deep breath (like when walking Fox) and say to myself: “piano-piano.” This “still to handle” pile (of all the post and papers) is growing and growing. I think I’m going to ask somebody what I should do with it. R. used to handle all those official-thingies (like insurance, social security, inquiries from the authorities) - or otherwise I used to ask him to help me with all those things - and I just have NO idea what to do with the pile!!


I bought a lot (= lottery). I wasn’t actually going to but I suddenly remembered that the day of draw (?) is Fox’s birthday! So, my excuse is: it’s a birthday present to Fox.


Ya-ya, I said I’d call it a day… I’m off!


Oh, eh… happy news… …um… ah! I see more and more plants growing and blooming in my small garden. (OK, I have to start weeding very soon.)


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