It's your garden...
Every year I plant some annuals in the flower-boxes on my balcony. But this year I didn't, I just had no time for gardening - or when I had time, the weather was not right for it. Not even bothered to clean the boxes or put them aside, I left everything as it was as, eh, in the summer last year. So, I expected only grass and weeds there... But, look, aren't they beautiful? These small flowers survived not only the winter but also my neglect! You can see from my garden that I don't have green fingers. But, do you know what they say? "It's your garden and your garden is just like you". Humm, perhaps I am tougher and stronger than I think myself.... just like these small red flowers.
At September 20, 2004 at 10:35:00 AM GMT+2, Borya said…
I want to have a digital camera! All the time I try to make nice pics of the flowers in our garden -- and I bought quite a lot this year! -- I get a shabby pic in the end... :-(
And now the summer is gone, so is some of the beauty. We have seven sunflowers in our garden this year but after some rainy days, the beautiful yellow leaves are gone. At least I got some Crysanthemen for autumn, brown coloured...
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