Mondo Leone - the World of Leon
Went to see “Mondo Leone” with Sjaak. Mondo Leone – the world of Leon - is a show with music and short films. I’d call this an “ultimate one-man show”. Leon is there on the stage, all alone with some AV equipments. The other musicians who play the music with him have been filmed and recorded; they are now only seen projected on the screen. The music he plays, the lyrics he sings, the stories he tells, the images he creates…. They are all very personal – his life, his family, his dream, his longing, his love, his questions, his answers, his quest, his joy, his sorrow… It’s his world, the world through his eyes, in his heart.
It’s not so that he sees or feels what we don’t, but it is often so (at least I think so), that even the smallest details which we wouldn’t pay attention to, could catch Leon’s mind. He’s got a very sensitive antenna and he can also express what he sees or hears or feels in his very own way. I wish I could do that. I remember I used to have my own world. Well, I still have, but I don’t cherish it as much as I did before, I guess. I was then much more sensitive and open to what was happening (and not happening) around me. So, it’s maybe time to discover myself, as I wrote the other day, time to get back my world as well. My antenna is probably rusted and needs to be polished.
3 x Leon
3 x Leon
Ravioli in Gis mineur
It’s not so that he sees or feels what we don’t, but it is often so (at least I think so), that even the smallest details which we wouldn’t pay attention to, could catch Leon’s mind. He’s got a very sensitive antenna and he can also express what he sees or hears or feels in his very own way. I wish I could do that. I remember I used to have my own world. Well, I still have, but I don’t cherish it as much as I did before, I guess. I was then much more sensitive and open to what was happening (and not happening) around me. So, it’s maybe time to discover myself, as I wrote the other day, time to get back my world as well. My antenna is probably rusted and needs to be polished.
3 x Leon
3 x Leon
Ravioli in Gis mineur
At December 24, 2004 at 11:58:00 AM GMT+1,
Borya said…
Seems to have been a great and interesting show! Oh, and I saw that now you have allowed yourself a flickr pro account. Very nice. :-)
At December 25, 2004 at 12:42:00 AM GMT+1,
Anonymous said…
A good description of this show, Kiyomi. It's like I've been there myself! :)
At December 25, 2004 at 1:27:00 AM GMT+1,
Kym. said…
It was a great show!
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