Knowing me, knowing you
Music: "Vicious Cycle"/Lynyrd Skynyrd
Mood: Not too bad
Yesterday I played a game with my friends. The game is called “Knowing me, knowing you”, it’s a sort of test how well you know the other players and the other way round. There were 4 of us, Sjaak, Renske (I introduced them to you on this blog earlier as “a loving couple”), Sim and me. The result shows that Sjaak and Renske know each other (very) well – alright, they are a couple, what else did we expect? I find it rather interesting because it appears now that I am a kind of “mystery person” to them. And this actually makes me wonder if I know MYSELF well. It seems that I have often a different idea from that other people have about me. It is like they see in me things/characteristics that I don’t see. When they all have one same answer to a question about me, and my answer is different from theirs, I begin to doubt which “me” could be closer to myself.
Here is one of the questions that made me think: what is the first thing people see on Kym., when she enters the room? 2 of the players answered: her smile. :-) :-) I had a completely different answer to this Q., a really stupid one.
I have a tendency to think rather negative about myself. This was a good opportunity to have a look at myself from a different angle. Perhaps it is time to try to discover positive characteristics of me.
Mood: Not too bad
Yesterday I played a game with my friends. The game is called “Knowing me, knowing you”, it’s a sort of test how well you know the other players and the other way round. There were 4 of us, Sjaak, Renske (I introduced them to you on this blog earlier as “a loving couple”), Sim and me. The result shows that Sjaak and Renske know each other (very) well – alright, they are a couple, what else did we expect? I find it rather interesting because it appears now that I am a kind of “mystery person” to them. And this actually makes me wonder if I know MYSELF well. It seems that I have often a different idea from that other people have about me. It is like they see in me things/characteristics that I don’t see. When they all have one same answer to a question about me, and my answer is different from theirs, I begin to doubt which “me” could be closer to myself.
Here is one of the questions that made me think: what is the first thing people see on Kym., when she enters the room? 2 of the players answered: her smile. :-) :-) I had a completely different answer to this Q., a really stupid one.
I have a tendency to think rather negative about myself. This was a good opportunity to have a look at myself from a different angle. Perhaps it is time to try to discover positive characteristics of me.
At December 21, 2004 at 2:03:00 AM GMT+1, MT Callahan said…
Well, what was your answer?
At December 21, 2004 at 2:13:00 AM GMT+1, Kym. said…
Don't laugh... it's "My bag". It's so embarrassing. But I can explain! I really had no idea, and I was thinking and thinking.... then I saw the bag, a typical Dutch shopping bag I had with me last night. It just caught my eyes (and mind)... :-(
It was a stupid answer of me, anyway, I know...
At December 21, 2004 at 3:52:00 AM GMT+1, MT Callahan said…
That shows how much stock we put into our accessories. Its about who we are, not what we carry or wear.
At December 21, 2004 at 4:29:00 AM GMT+1, Kym. said…
Rrrrright, Matt!
If it's not about "me", I never care about what you wear or carry, I don't even pay attention to it, I think (except that I prefer white cotton socks!). But when it is about "me, myself", it's quite different, I noticed. I often try to "play" "me" which I think is expected from me. But that image that I think they have about me is not always the real "me", I'm afraid. True friends see often the real "you" through the veil or even the harness you wear, don't they.
Hmmm, I'm again thinking too much. But, anyway, my answer, "my bag" was a most stupid one I could ever think of!
At December 21, 2004 at 6:46:00 AM GMT+1, Victor said…
I have heard it said that we are all really three people: The person we think we are, the person others think we are, and the person we truly are. Maybe coming to grips with this helps us realize the person we truly are! Dunno - just a theory I'm working on. ;-)
Well, I have an early start on my trip tomorrow - take care!
At December 21, 2004 at 6:57:00 AM GMT+1, Kym. said…
Yeah, I’m really glad and happy with my friends. It’s really like: where could I be without them?
Prada??? No, no, no! My shopping bag is really faaaarrrrrrr from that. It’s typical Dutch (=functional but nothing fashionable). I confess, I love shoes and bags, yes I do! But no fancy brands like Prada or Gucci. My fav is HEMA (see Links), a kind of “Mujirushi”, nothing chic, nothing exclusive. Hema has no shoes, though. Pity!
At December 21, 2004 at 7:03:00 AM GMT+1, Kym. said…
Hm, interesting! I'm now going in quest of "true me". Well, I mean, I try to be open to myself. It's just something I can start with, isn't it?
Wish you a very happy holiday!
At December 21, 2004 at 2:41:00 PM GMT+1, Luz said…
Victor, I had heard that someplace before too and I believe that we come into ourselves when the three merge. As for Kym and comparing herself to a bag...well that sure is interesting and creative in a funny sort of way. I'm leaving for Austin this morning and will be hitting the open highway and will contemplate the question and my answer.
At December 22, 2004 at 1:42:00 PM GMT+1, Anonymous said…
Hi Kym! So this game got you thinking. Me too, actually, I felt like I should know you better by now. So I'm still up for our HEMA plan. How about you?
At December 22, 2004 at 2:50:00 PM GMT+1, Kym. said…
The same with me! Oh, yes, our HEMA plan is still "on" :-) I'd love that. It was a nice idea of you, by the way, to play the game that night. I enjoyed it very much!
At December 28, 2004 at 7:43:00 PM GMT+1, Adam Solomon said…
Silly Kym! :D
At December 28, 2004 at 7:49:00 PM GMT+1, Kym. said…
Yeah, silly me...:-D
I'm a silly black shopping bag :-P LOL!
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