Kiyomi and the Gang

Sunday, May 22, 2011

"End of the World"

....Oh no...Fox is whining.. ...and whining.

He’s so confused and... so am I.

It’s going to be another couch night for me.

I know, I don't look like worrying.

But, to be honest, I was secretly wishing for the End of the World :|

“Why does my heart go on beating?

Why do these eyes of mine cry?

Don't they know it's the end of the world.

It ended when you said goodbye.”



  • At May 27, 2011 at 5:50:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Luz said…

    Sis, I too was ready for the world to end the other day. Now, looks like we have to wait till October then I've heard December--seems these guys don't know how to calculate anything. Well, if they don't they I sure don't & really does anybody in the world know except the Man upstairs anyway. BTW, did you get my last email I sent? I never heard back from you so was just wondering. It's late here but I think I am going to pour myself a glass now.


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