Kiyomi and the Gang

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Music: Various albums at random order
Mood: ummm - mixed

OK, folks… as you see, I’m back home, safe and sound. Oh, first I’d like to thank you for your warm and kind wishes for my birthday last month. There was no possibility to check my e-mail box at that time, so I saw your comments much later… thanks again.

I know, you all are so anxious to know how it was (I mean, about my stay in B.C.), right? Um… do you want to hear good news or bad news first? ;)

It was great, just great! I had such a wonderful time there, I will never forget those 2 weeks I spent there with him. I’m now uploading the photos to Flickr to share my holiday with you.
But-uh… here comes the bad news.. I mean, bad news for me…. The dreams is over now, it ended. ...SAD, isn't it... :( As soon as I came home, I felt there was something wrong and.. then he finally let me know that he’s not feeling the same as I am. I’d rather have heard it from him in person when I was there instead of through an email… but, ok…

I’m beaten, hurt, bleeding, feeling blue and down, I cried and cried… but am not so depressed or feeling sad as I once was. You’d think it’s because it was a long distance relationship of only for a short while. But, no, I don’t think so. It WAS, yes, only for a short period, but it was very intense (it was to me, anyway). Luckily and thankfully, I didn’t suffer too long.. it was – let’s say – a quick death ;) - the last time I was suffering for years… Besides, I’m changed too… I’m happier with myself than I was a few years ago, which makes a big difference, I guess. As you might know, I learned a lot during this past year, mostly about my-own-self. So, the most important thing is that I still have myself – and of course, my great friends – to lean on if I need to. Only, I will be more careful and cautious next time - IF there is a next time (honestly, I’ve seen enough!)

It’s very strange… usually I can easily find a song or two that tells (almost) exactly how I feel… but no, not this time.. not now.

Ah, I haven’t mentioned yet… Wendy was kind enough to volunteer to show me around. Thanks a lot, Wendy! I enjoyed the hiking so much (although I couldn’t keep up with you..), and also nice strolling in downtown. Aaaaand… the pie was really awesome!

Wendy said she had a present for me… a card. She said I could draw a card, which will tell something about me. OK… so, I picked one…
It says:

I dance in the happiness and joy of life, free from fear and worries.

If this is my quality, I’ll be alright. I’m not dancing at this moment, but I sure keep this in my mind :) Thank you, Wendy!


I'm feeling calm and strong now but am not sure if I'm feeling the same tomorrow.. :\


  • At July 2, 2005 at 7:38:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Luz said…

    Welcome back Kym. Glad you made it back home safe & sound. We've missed you. The pics are awesome and sorry to hear about your loss of love. Better to have danced the dance as our lives are better left to chance for you could've missed the pain but then you would've missed the dance. Happy Belated Birthday.

  • At July 2, 2005 at 11:05:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Cristina said…

    I'm sorry to hear that, Kym. But you really need to keep this attitude - because it's the right and true one.

    I'm loving your pictures :)

  • At July 2, 2005 at 7:35:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Luz said…

    Hey Wendy, I didn't know you were in the business of being a tour guide. How much do you charge for the day? :-)

  • At July 3, 2005 at 12:35:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Josie said…

    Welcome back to us Kym.
    it's nice to know again about you.
    Glad to know you feel good. I`m sure you will feel better every day. You had have a nice time ,what more you want, the life are a lot of little nice times.
    Here we say " better to have loved and lost that to never have loved "

  • At July 3, 2005 at 2:41:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Kym. said…

    Thank you Girls!
    ...I have no regret, that's for sure. All those happy memories won't be deleted, they will stay with me forever :) This time I can say very loud that I don't want them to be erased.
    It's tough and hard, I admit, I have very difficult moments. But I'm going to be alright.
    ...And I'm glad you like my photos :)

    Luz, Josie,
    Sure I enjoyed the dance, I loved with all my heart.
    Yumiko-san,ありがとう。I'm lucky indeed. Well-uh, he had his reasons, I guess...
    thank you... Yes, this attitude is especially the "true one", I think.

    hmmmm but-uh... still wonder sometimes... what's wrong with me??


  • At July 3, 2005 at 8:16:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Wendy said…

    And I will say it again too, there is nothing wrong with you! Kiyomi, remember that your self-worth doesn't come from others, it comes from loving and cherishing your own heart within. Ultimately the journey to the heart is about learning to love the self and to enJOY!
    BTW, it was so fun to meet you, a fellow fanmenco and flickrer! I enjoyed touring about with you.
    Luz....just bring your bike!

  • At July 3, 2005 at 6:58:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Just Me said…

    kiyomi, so good to have you back. so glad to hear that your trip went well but so sorry to hear about the other. "...better to have loved and lost..." you know that we are all here for you if you need a shoulder (or many shoulders). i hope your current resolve stays strong with you but you know where we (i) are if you need a sympathetic ear.

    that's so great that you met wendy.

    luz, i haven't seen that part of bc...i'll pack my bike and meet you there! oh, that itch...that travelling keeps coming back.

    thinking of you, kym and wishing you well.

  • At July 4, 2005 at 6:05:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Kym. said…

    hey, I know a song! It goes:
    "I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok..."

    I can't thank you enough, ladies. I could use all the encouragement and compliments at this moment. Well, you know, now I do think that I have my own qualities, and I do love myself.. but it's still hard.. it seems like I'm the only person who loves me.. :( hm.. better than nothing, of course. I'll be alright anyway. Only, I'm not looking forward to a new romance...

  • At July 4, 2005 at 6:11:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Just Me said…

    no point in defining yourself in relation to someone else...get yourself back on your're not the only one who loves you...i know there is nothing like the heady euphoria of a new romance, but times will get better...when you're not looking.

  • At July 4, 2005 at 2:16:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Borya said…

    well, i wrote you for your birthday that you should try coming home not too sad. i put it all in there because i had a tough time finding the right words. there'd be many things to say .. or none. but one i'd like to write down here: i'm very sorry that you learned it through an e-mail at the end. i always hated such things and they will remain pissing me off. unfortunately being human is about that. i hope the day i'll be in the other position i'll be stronger.
    i hope you can keep this positive attitude, the wave you are kind of riding on, and forever see it as something positive because in the end, it was exactly this.
    and last: i couldn't have imagined you in the big wide open anyway for long, i guess you fit perfectly in a city like utrecht :)

    you are certainly not the only person who loves you. it's just that we always look for something special, personal, precious, but sometimes we don't get it. but that doesn't mean that we are not loved.

  • At July 4, 2005 at 3:42:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Kym. said…

    thanks! But you're wrong, Borya! I could totally imagine myself there in the big wide open! I'm not a city person at all - I hate to go to downtown on Saturday, for instance. SO crowded! Besides, As I always say, "home is where the heart is...", and my heart is - oh, here I go again... - was with him.
    Again, I didn't have to suffer too long this time. With Ronald, I was in uncertainty for years. If you feel uncertain, you go the downward spiral deeper and deeper. I was then reaching the bottom of the spiral and couldn't (or didn't want to) climb up again. OK, it's possible that I'm now in a kind of "state of shock".. I could go down the spiral again, that might be the next phase. I hope not, but who knows? All I can do is to be good and honest to myself. :)
    One thing: I have now more time to spend writing my blog and checking those of the others ;) So, folks, you better watch out!

  • At July 4, 2005 at 10:34:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Josie said…

    Nothing is wrong with you , Kim. Someone better are waiting for you and you have to be free for him. You only have to find him and any time you will do it

  • At July 4, 2005 at 11:07:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Borya said…

    of course it's always possible, kiyomi, people can make the most unexpected moves. but i'm sure i'm not wrong. you'll understand one day. as you will what you really felt. that's nothing to discuss and there's no mountain whinery near to talk over a glass of wine, so i just let it fly ...
    the most important thing is that you manage to understand this with your heart as a positive experience, a gift, and only this. no more, no doubts, nothing.

  • At July 5, 2005 at 12:50:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Kym. said…

    thank you so much. Yes, you're right, I guess... Someone must be somewhere, and the paths will cross when the time is right... I still think that way. But if not, it's ok with me, too. I'll see.

    Borya, thanks again. But this time, I can't really follow you. About a likely place for me to stay and live: y'know, I hardly care where it is, what kind of place it is. For me the most important thing is that I can be with "him" (or her ... you never know nowadays...). I was ready to move to him... but the point now is that I'm not wanted. That's the end of the story. OK, Borya, I'm going to make a post about this, hopefully this week...
    Anyway, Borya and other fellow bloggers, thank you for your concern, for encouraging me, for thinking with me, ...for everything.


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